Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break 2010 For Case

What do 15-year-old young men do on Spring Break?  Some go to the beach, others take trips, go fishing, play baseball, etc.  This year my 15-year-old grandson, Case, went to see his Uncle Austin for his dental check-up - that's got to be fun!  AND he went on a Mission Trip to Bayou DuLarge Baptist Church in Theriot, LA with his grandfather (Eddie).

I have such fond memories of Case as an infant.  He is the only one of my grandchildren I had the privilege to keep for a period of time on a regular basis.  While his mom worked part-time, Case went to our church's daycare.  When I had Bible study or other meetings at the church, or just when I took the notion, I would pick him up at daycare and take him home with me.  I did this every chance I got.  He spent many afternoons with his Kay-Kay.  He doesn't remember those days, but I sure do!  He was such a good baby and such fun to be with.

Case has grown into a handsome young man of over 6 feet tall and still growing.  He is a very conscientious student, but what I appreciate the most about him, is the fact that he has a mind of his own.  He is not as easily influenced by his peers as many teenagers are.  He became a Christian at a young age and enjoys being active in his youth group at church.

Case took part of his Spring Break to help the people of Bayou DuLarge Baptist Church.  He stacked lumber at the saw mill one day and other days, helped in the building of a home for church members
who experienced a loss during a hurricane.  When Eddie brought Case home that Sunday night, he asked him if he would like to go again.  He said, "I would go again right now if I weren't so tired."

Case will always remember his Spring Break of 2010 and so will his grandfather.  What a blessing grandchildren are!  Our children and grandchildren are worth the investment we make in their lives.

"Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right." (Proverbs 20:11)

"Children's children (Kaylee, Kam, Case, and Josh) are a crown to the aged . . . . . " (Proverbs 17:6a)  Well, I don't consider myself "aged" yet, but we are their thankful, and blessed grandparents.

Eddie said I would have been so proud of Case, and I assure you I am.  I have a special place in my heart for all of my grandchildren.  They are each unique creations of our Maker.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Miss the Blessing of Obedience

Jessie sent his son David to check on his three oldest sons who had followed Saul to war.  He sent food with him and requested that he bring a report back to him.

David arrived at the camp, left his grain, bread and cheese with the keeper of the supplies, and went to the front lines to greet his brothers.  David heard the giant, Goliath make his threats causing all Israel to run in fear.  David began to question the men concerning the Philistine giant.  As he did his oldest brother began to belittle him and he burned with anger toward David.  Eliab asked,  "Why have you come down here?  And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert?  I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."  (I Samuel 17:28b)  David's response to those words is understandable.  "Now what have I done?  Can't I even speak?" (I Samuel 17:29)

David had come to bring food to his brothers, check on their well-being and take a report back to their father.  Eliab's words were completely wrong, but I am sure his words stung.  When family members mistreat us, it is more painful even that the wounds caused by others.

David did not let his brother's hurtful words deter him.  He did what his father asked him to do and then he did what God called him and equipped him to do - kill the Philistine giant, Goliath!

Don't let a family member, friend, or others deter you from carrying out God's mission for you.  Don't let their discouraging and hurtful words keep you from being obedient to God's calling.  Don't let them cause you to miss the blessing of obedience.

"To obey is better than sacrifice." (I Samuel 15:22b)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


God sure turned my plans for this week upside down!  Last week a good discription of me would have been tired, weak, powerless, discouraged, a little depressed, and yes, weary.  I did not realize just how weary I was until God changed my plans.

My plan for this week included traveling Monday morning to New Orleans to take a class, returning late Wednesday afternoon, leaving early Thursday morning on a mission trip with Eddie's Sunday School class to south, very south, Louisiana.  I packed my car with everything except my make-up kit Sunday afternoon.  I woke up very early Monday morning thinking I should not make the trip.  I got up, got on my face before the Lord, asking for His direction.  He gave me a peace about not going.  (I am thankful that unpacking takes a lot less time than packing!)

I didn't go on the mission trip either.  God seemed to be telling me that I needed some time to relax, refresh, be refueled.  I have had a quiet week at home (most people didn't know I was here).  Sometimes we just need a little rest when we are tired and weary.  God knows what we need even before we do.  We just need to listen.

Several verses of Scripture came to my mind as I reflected on my lack of strength (my weariness) and on His All-Sufficient strength

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 2:9). 

". . . nothing is too hard for You." (Jeremiah 32:17) 

"He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak" (Isaiah 40:29).

Are you a little weary?  Listen to your body and especially listen to the Lord.  He will help us take better care of ourselves.  He will refresh us and renew us.  I'm getting there!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Never Be Shaken

Psalm 15:5b - "He who does these things will never be shaken."

I don't want to be shaken - do you?  Most of us want to be on firm ground, standing tall.  What does a person have to do to avoid being shaken?  The psalmist asked a question about who can dwell with God in Psalm 15:1 and proceeded to describe the kind of person who can.  He, whose walk is blameless, is righteous, speaks truth from the heart, no slander is on his tongue, does his neighbor no wrong, casts no slur on his fellowman, and on and on.  The person who does these things will dwell with the LORD and he "will never be shaken."

Dwelling with the LORD for a Christian, means spending time with Him in prayer and in His Word.  The person who spends quality time with God is the person who will be blameless (without willful sin), righteous, honest, etc., and the one who "will never be shaken."

Everyone is a little shaken at times, but the one who dwells in God's presence on a continuous basis, will not be shaken permanently.  God brings us back to a firm foundation and we will be strong in Him.

Serving Him,
Kay Martin

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Picture Added to Post about Kam

I have finally added a picture of Kam to the post "Just Another Day in the Life of Kam"  for those who wanted to see him.  It took a little help from my dear friend Beverly as I had not taken a picture from an e-mail and posted it to my blog.  Still learning!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good News/Bad News

Have you ever had to deliver a difficult message to someone?  Personally, I prefer to be the deliverer of good news or encouraging words, but sometimes God calls His children to deliver bad news (or His judgment).  Jeremiah was one such person.  In Jeremiah 20, he was the deliverer of the unpopular message concerning Babylonian captivity for the Israelite people.

Jeremiah wanted to quit, but could not.  "But if I say, 'I will not mention Him or speak any more in His Name, His Word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.  I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot'."

God's Word burns in our hearts when the Holy Spirit teaches us and gives us insight into the truths of Scripture.  Don't keep it in.  Be like Jeremiah and deliver the Good News or the Bad News - whichever God calls you to do.

"For the Word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."  (Hebrews 4:12)

God's Word is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), living, active, sharp, judges, and is like a fire.  Take it in and give it out - Good News or Bad News!

Serving Him,
Kay Martin