What does it take for me to become what God wants me to be? Or, what do I have to experience for me to surrender my whole life to Him?
God knows the answer. He knows exactly what it takes - what experiences, difficulties, troubles and afflictions it takes to mold me into His likeness. He knows what it takes to make me a usable servant in His Kingdom.
As I prepared and taught a study on the life of Joseph (Abraham's great grandson - Genesis 37-50), I marveled at the many injustices in his life - many he did not deserve. Joseph suffered from the hands of his own brothers who sold him into slavery. He was falsely accused and thrown into prison and was forgotten by those he had helped. But, God knew exactly what it would take for Joseph to become the servant God would use to save lives - the lives of Joseph's own family- God's chosen people.
After Joseph's father died, his brothers, who had played a big role in the injustices against Joseph, feared he would retaliate. Instead, Joseph calmed them with these words: "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." (Genesis 50:19-20)
Joseph had seen the Sovereignty of God in his life. All his life's experiences prepared him to become the leader in Egypt who was in a position to save lives. God knew what it would take in Joseph's life and He knows what it takes in our lives for us to become the servant He has called us to be.
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