Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why Read Proverbs?

Chapter one of Proverbs gives us several reasons for reading through the book of Proverbs. "For attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young." (Verses 2-4) If you are trying to establish the practice of a daily Quiet Time, the book of Proverbs is a great place to start. Read the Proverb that corresponds with the day of the month and you will read the entire book in one month. This is a discipline I have completed a number of times through the years, and each time, different truths speak to me. We can gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding through the pages of Proverbs. There are simple commands such as, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5) There are many, many informative statements such as, "For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD and He examines all his paths." (Proverbs 5:21) We also find many wise statements to help us live our lives more closely to God's desire for us such as, "A man of knowledge uses words with restraint and a man of understanding is even-tempered." (Proverbs 17:27) Blessings will be yours as you pour over the pages of Proverbs and you will gain wisdom.


  1. Kay,

    I so enjoyed reading through Proverbs this month. I have learned many lessons. I love your blog and cannot wait to read more of Kay's Ponderings. Love you!!!
    Tammy McCarthy

  2. Ms. Kay,
    I want you to know when Ana Morgan spoke to us this summer on Proverbs I went home thinking I really need to spend some time in Proverbs. Being a single Mom I have friends mention Proverbs to me quite often when I am dealing with my kids. So on the Sunday that Ana spoke, I starting reading Proverbs and have been reading in this book almost every day. It really speaks to me with the struggles I go through with the kids. I have even been trying to memorize verses from Proverbs (inspratition from Gene)but I am not as good at memorization as I use to Sooooo, when you ask us to start reading Proverbs I just felt like God was telling me this is where I am giving you the strenght to carry on each day in your struggles. I was already reading and this just confirmed that this is where I needed to be. I don't share things much in class because for one I cry to much when I try to share and I don't want to take away from your time to teach. This is also why I don't stand up and give the "5" minutes about who I am. I'll start crying. I don't know why but I cry very easy. Sometimes I have pray request but just can't speak. And sometimes I just don't want everyone to know but still need prayer.Anyway just to let you know Proverbs has been a big part of my daily readings now and I think it always will be and means so much to me. And I am gaining knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

  3. Kay, thanks for all you do for our class. Monday night was so much fun and you are always such a wonderful hostess! Thanks for sharing the photo of your "other" sister. I especially love the photo of your Dad. I can see that you look like him. He was obviously a wonderful father! Belinda

  4. Kay,
    I have loved all your devotionals and I so much appreciate the time and effort that you spend preparing lessons for our class. Your encouragement and leadership by example to be in God's Word always inspires me to keep digging. I so missed being there Monday night and getting to fellowship with everyone.
    Love you!!

  5. My first visit to your blog. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing your faith and encouragement. Looking forward to future postings.

  6. Hey Mrs. Kay,
    Love the blog! Thanks for the weekly devotions. I miss the fellowship of your SS class, but 4th grade is my calling for now. I appreciate every chance to be taught, even if its in short devotionals on-line. Thanks for the encouragement to be in the Word.

  7. Mrs. Kay,

    I love your blog page! It is simple to navigate, not "busy-looking", and of course, I love your devotionals. Thank you for doing this! For someone still fairly young (and immature at times) Proverbs is the perfect daily study for me. I have heard a lot of verses through Bible Drill and teaching growing up, but like you said, there is always some new wisdom in Proverbs. I have enjoyed reading through it during September and am going back through it again this month. Thank you for your encouragement to better know God's Word. God has already used you to help me through your Bible studies and teachings. Thank you for all you do!


  9. Kay, As always, I enjoy your devotions and Sunday School lessons. It is such a joy to be a member of a Sunday School class where you can share joys and hurts and know that you are loved. Praying daily for you and your family and for God to continue to use you to speak His word. Blessings to you today, Pat Henson
