Do you ever just want to go back home - let your mother cook for you and pamper you? Sometimes we would like to take a little break from all our responsibilities and just go home for a little while. But, alas, some of us will have to do that in our imaginations because our parents are no longer living. Ah, but I do have lots of sweet memories growing up in a Christian home where my mother seemed to always be in the kitchen.
We had a nice, humble home but that never stopped my parents from entertaining every pastor and family, every visiting preacher, etc. The church was the center of our lives and I loved it. (Still do!)
Christmas is a time to remember - remember family times, church Christmas programs and celebrations, Sunday School, friends from the past and most of all our Savior's birth.
Take time this Christmas to reminiscence. Remember all the Christmases past, remember Christ's birth and what it has meant in your life. Remember times of nearness to Him - times when He strengthened you, ministered to you and blessed you.
Remember family times. Go home if your parents are still living and enjoy some sweet family time (fun time). Get together with whatever family you have and celebrate Jesus.
Remember to thank Jesus for all His blessings and for what He did for us over 2,000 years ago.
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He Is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11)