God has a plan for our lives (I know you all know that!) - but have you thought about the fact that His plan for Christians reaches throughout eternity? Eternal life does not begin when we die. It begins when we accept Jesus as our Saviour. God has a plan for what He wants us to do now and throughout eternity.
Do you know what God's plan is for you today? For the near future? The distant future? If you don't know, ask Him. Seek His direction and then listen. Get quiet before Him so you can hear Him. Remember His plan for our lives will always include honoring Him and bringing glory to His Name.
Are you on the right path - the one God wants you to follow? Is your life bringing glory and honor to His Name?
Isaish 30:21 says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'."
We must seek His plan for our lives. He will show us which way to go if we truly seek His direction. He may only show us His plan for right now so we just have to trust Him with His future plans for us. Follow Him now and throughout eternity.